Recently Updated Pages
Updated Topology
After moving and setting up my new network, heres what my updated network topology looks like:
To set up a certificate with ACME, there are several steps involved. First, you'll need to instal...
Network Topology for Segmentation
Before setting up any servers or hardware, I needed to make sure my topology lay out is logical, ...
Successful Connection
To test my connection, I went to my University library and tried to connect to my tailnet. As you...
Installation + Config
Installing Tailscale is made simple with OPNsense, and only 2 items are required to successfully ...
Port Mapping
With your tailscale installation complete, set up port mapping to allow access to certain devices...
Lessons Learned & Reflection
Takeaways I decided to start learning Kubernetes by building my own cluster. If you're familliar...
Portainer Web GUI - Environment Connection
With my K8 cluster now set up, I'm going to connect this cluster to my Portainer container runnin...
To deploy the Portainer container, you'll need to first set up a couple of configurations. These ...
Creating the Cluster
Configurations I created my nodes by making clones from an Cloud-init template of an Ubuntu serv...
Ubuntu 22.04 Template with Cloud-Init
Creating a cloud-init template is relatively simple and straightforward to do. Essentially, you'l...
Host Architecture
Host Operating System To get started with Kubernetes, I chose Ubuntu 22.04 Server LTS to use as ...
Connection Results
To test this, I went to a library and tried connecting to my network via my WireGuard Client: ...
GUI Preview
Download and run the Grafana container. You can get more details about how to do so @DockerHub - ...
GUI Preview
Once your docker container is configured and running, you should be able to access the Web GUI: ...
GUI Preview
Once your docker container is successfully up and running, you can access your Portainer web GU...
Kali Template
Windows Server 2022 Template
Windows 11 Pro Template
Hugo Static Site Generator
There are plenty of static site generators out there: Hugo, Jekyll, Ghost, Gatsby, are just a few...